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Cast away

Tom Hanks gives a wonderful perfomrmance as Chuck Noland, a FedEx systems engineer whose personal and professional life are ruled by the clock. His fast-paced career takes him, often at a moment's notice, to far-flung locales - and away from his girlfriend Kelly, played by Helen Hunt.

Chuck's manic existence abruptly ends when, after a plane crash, he becomes isolated on a remote island - cast away into the most desolate environment imaginable. Stripped of the conveniences of everyday life, he first must meet the basic needs of survival, including water, food and shelter. Chuck, the consummate problem solver, eventually figures out how to sustain himself physically. But then what? Chuck begins his true personal journey.

In this scene, after days of trying to make fire, Chuck makes a major breakthrough.

Click here for "Cast Away" DVDs, Soundtracks and Posters


Chuck readies his two sticks of bamboo again and begins sawing with tremendous energy. He smells something. Is it smoke? He pulls off the log and looks eagerly at the nest of tinder. There's nothing there.


He replaces the log and starts wearily to saw again.


The sun has moved in the sky. Chuck is still sawing. Again the smoke appears. Again sweat pours from his face. The smoke increases. He saws even harder. His breath comes in anguished gulps. Smoke is curling up now. Chuck tears away the bamboo, picks up the nest of kindling, and blows on it gently. The smoke increases.

He blows some more. A fragile crimson spark appears.

Careful now, careful...

He gently places the nest of shavings in the kindling, then blows on it with utmost care, as if he were holding life itself. He shreds his money and business cards over the tiny flame.

Suddenly, the evening breeze lifts the nest out of the kindling. Desperate, Chuck grabs it. Trying to shield it with his body, he grabs some palm fronds and jams them into the sand, trying to make a windbreak. They rustle and shake and blow over.

The wind blows harder. Chuck jams some rocks in a circle to make an eddy. But the fire is out. No words now, just a loud, primal groan of pure despair.

And then, into his vision floats...smoke.

Chuck looks down. A wisp of smoke curls up from the nest of tinder! Chuck blows on it gently. Suddenly a tiny tongue of flame flickers and catches on the kindling!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

He feeds in some more twigs, more tinder. The flames lick out, catch, grow.

If I ever forgot to thank you God, and I am sure I did, thank you now.


The fire burns on the beach. Chuck rushes about, piling on driftwood.


Chuck darts into the jungle and returns dragging a huge log. He throws it on the fire. We see his face in the light of the fire. He is exultant. He dances. He sings at the top of his lungs. Papa-ooo-mow-mow!

Chuck throws another huge log on the fire. Papa-papa-papa-oooo! The log splutters and explodes, sending up a huge shower of sparks that climb and sparkle in the darkness...until they merge with the stars.


Chuck makes a mark on the tree. Around it he carves a flame - the day he mastered fire.


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